PdfFile Methods

The PdfFile type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddBookmark
Adds a bookmark.
Public methodAddImage
Adds an image at the current position
Public methodAddLink
Adds a link
Public methodAddPage
Adds a new page.
Public methodAddSpace
Adds a vacant height in millimeter(default), inch or point.
Public methodAddText
Adds the text at the current position.
Public methodAddTextCenter
Adds text centered horizontally
Public methodAddTitle
Adds the text at the current position.
Public methodDispose
Release the resources.
Public methodSaveAs
Saves as a file.
Public methodSetMargins
Set the margins of the page in millimeter(mm), inch(in) or point(pt).
Public methodSetPageSize
Set the size of the page in millimeter(mm), inch(in) or point(pt).
See Also