Keys Fields

The Keys type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberAdd
Represents the number pad addition key.
Public fieldStatic memberAlt
Represents the Alt key.
Public fieldStatic memberArrowDown
Represents the Left arrow key.
Public fieldStatic memberArrowLeft
Represents the left arrow key.
Public fieldStatic memberArrowRight
Represents the right arrow key.
Public fieldStatic memberArrowUp
Represents the up arrow key.
Public fieldStatic memberBackspace
Represents the Backspace key.
Public fieldStatic memberCancel
Represents the Cancel keystroke.
Public fieldStatic memberClear
Represents the Clear keystroke.
Public fieldStatic memberCommand
Represents the function key COMMAND.
Public fieldStatic memberControl
Represents the Control key.
Public fieldStatic memberDecimal
Represents the number pad decimal separator key.
Public fieldStatic memberDelete
Represents the Delete key.
Public fieldStatic memberDivide
Represents the number pad division key.
Public fieldStatic memberDown
Represents the Left arrow key.
Public fieldStatic memberEnd
Represents the End key.
Public fieldStatic memberEnter
Represents the Enter key.
Public fieldStatic memberEqual
Represents the equal sign key.
Public fieldStatic memberEscape
Represents the Escape key.
Public fieldStatic memberF1
Represents the function key F1.
Public fieldStatic memberF10
Represents the function key F10.
Public fieldStatic memberF11
Represents the function key F11.
Public fieldStatic memberF12
Represents the function key F12.
Public fieldStatic memberF2
Represents the function key F2.
Public fieldStatic memberF3
Represents the function key F3.
Public fieldStatic memberF4
Represents the function key F4.
Public fieldStatic memberF5
Represents the function key F5.
Public fieldStatic memberF6
Represents the function key F6.
Public fieldStatic memberF7
Represents the function key F7.
Public fieldStatic memberF8
Represents the function key F8.
Public fieldStatic memberF9
Represents the function key F9.
Public fieldStatic memberHelp
Represents the Help keystroke.
Public fieldStatic memberHome
Represents the Home key.
Public fieldStatic memberInsert
Represents the Insert key.
Public fieldStatic memberLeft
Represents the left arrow key.
Public fieldStatic memberLeftAlt
Represents the Alt key.
Public fieldStatic memberLeftControl
Represents the Control key.
Public fieldStatic memberLeftShift
Represents the Shift key.
Public fieldStatic memberMeta
Represents the function key META.
Public fieldStatic memberMultiply
Represents the number pad multiplication key.
Public fieldStatic memberNull
Represents the NUL keystroke.
Public fieldStatic memberNumPad0
Represents the number pad 0 key.
Public fieldStatic memberNumPad1
Represents the number pad 1 key.
Public fieldStatic memberNumPad2
Represents the number pad 2 key.
Public fieldStatic memberNumPad3
Represents the number pad 3 key.
Public fieldStatic memberNumPad4
Represents the number pad 4 key.
Public fieldStatic memberNumPad5
Represents the number pad 5 key.
Public fieldStatic memberNumPad6
Represents the number pad 6 key.
Public fieldStatic memberNumPad7
Represents the number pad 7 key.
Public fieldStatic memberNumPad8
Represents the number pad 8 key.
Public fieldStatic memberNumPad9
Represents the number pad 9 key.
Public fieldStatic memberPageDown
Represents the Page Down key.
Public fieldStatic memberPageUp
Represents the Page Up key.
Public fieldStatic memberPause
Represents the Pause key.
Public fieldStatic memberReturn
Represents the Return key.
Public fieldStatic memberRight
Represents the right arrow key.
Public fieldStatic memberSemicolon
Represents the semi-colon key.
Public fieldStatic memberSeparator
Represents the number pad thousands separator key.
Public fieldStatic memberShift
Represents the Shift key.
Public fieldStatic memberSpace
Represents the Spacebar key.
Public fieldStatic memberSubtract
Represents the number pad subtraction key.
Public fieldStatic memberTab
Represents the Tab key.
Public fieldStatic memberUp
Represents the up arrow key.
See Also